Foto: Tibu Borgstén/ hunden Lola Bourgeot.
Love at first sight.
It was probably your nose..
As I proceeded that caught
my attention, and my steps
and stopped me from falling.
A nose like yours much like
a big button of licorice
so sweet.
your endless patience
caught my eye.
No doubt, your inner wisdom..
I wished to tag along
your smooth gait..
Just you and me
walking around in Helsinki,
like I used to do
with strange dogs
when I was a child.
But you turn away
and show me your white spot
like a warning sign;
What a waste of time
you say:
Daily, surrounded
by books and intelligence
by music flowing up from
downstairs and even small prayers
fly around.
What an exceptional place
on earth bestowed
upon you.
You claim your place
and watch people
coming and going
in and out..
You fall asleep
without seeing my wave
"good- bye".
But I know
you will let me love you
a live teddy bear
That´s how your life is
as a dog.
Maybe undervalued
in many ways..
Lola Bourgeot
you are so sweet,
in and out
with your smooth gait.
In and out,
full of love.
Denna underbara hunden finns på Arkada bookshop i Helsingfors.